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Building Mobile app for your business: An easy task to do

Mobile applications are no longer an option for small businesses – they’re a necessity. If you think that Mobile apps are merely for big brands, you are wrong. More and more small and midsize businesses are following the mobile trend, understanding that an effective mobile strategy involves more than just a mobile-friendly website.

Indeed, these days you will notice that each and every small business you interact with is having their own mobile application- be it corner tea post or the beauty spa downtown. A survey shows that adoption of mobile app trend is increasing in small as well as in large businesses day by day.

While making a mobile app may sound threatening. In fact, it is simple and inexpensive. Here are some tips for building an app for your business:

Native vs Cross-platform development: Competition in making apps for business is so relentless that you have to make best convincing app ever to stay in the race.

If you are looking for an iOS app, you need to develop app with objective C and XML or with Java and XML if you are opting for an android app.

Right coding of an app will allow for latest API support and better performance, if you are a beginner we would advise you develop your app on a single platform and test it. And then look to SaS(Statistical Analysis System) for multi-platform development.

Choose your app platform wisely: There are only three stores for your app – Google play, App store, and Windows store. The revenue ratio of Apple store to Google Play is 8 to 1, windows is still small in terms of its revenue but it allows apps to run simultaneously on a PC, tablet, and phone.

The design of your app: It is not tough to tackle design for an app. Here are some points designer must take on note:

Icons matter – The first thing that user will see is icon so choose the eye-catching icon for your app.

Less is more – This principle must be augmented since you’re designing for small screens.

Pixel perfect graphics – Try to find out graphics with proper pixel size and appearance.

Test your design – Test it on every screen size like ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi. It should appear the same all across the board.

Marketing Tricks: At any app store, the presentation is essential. Screenshots of your app make a huge difference and the first three screenshots must represent your app’s best instances.

App Description – Write a professional sales letter instead of a dry app description. Make a video for your app and display it in the description.

Update on social sites – Social profiles on every major site. Update them often.

SEO pays off – Have as many backlinks to your app as possible, from as many quality sites as possible. Google Play’s app ranking system now takes into consideration how many stars your app has.

At last, the mobile app will be bringing more customers, SEO ranking and traffic for your business.

Start your business with registering today at YoureStatus.com for free and start exploring your business.

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