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Women Are Owning More And More small-businesses

A report from the Institute of Women’s Policy Research shows that women are continuously increasing their presence in the world of small-business ownership. Specifically, between 2007 and 2016, the number of women-owned businesses increased by 45 percent.

Today, more than 8.6 million U.S. businesses are owned by women. They generate more than $1.3 trillion in revenues and employ nearly 7.8 million people.

Today, women have demonstrated their multitasking ability. Women entrepreneurs can surely initiate, organize, plan and operate their small and medium enterprise. In all countries, women entrepreneurs play a pivotal role. They are not only educated, talented, confident, ambitious and career oriented but they also know their minds. This helps them to handle the tasks, manage all the duties and retain a fine balance between the professional and personal lives. They have a good insight, patience, negotiating and budgeting skills.

Here are some plus points for women as business owners :

Multitask Orientation : Women have the ability to handle a number of tasks at same time. They balance their families and career simultaneously.

Emotional intelligence : Women are more emotionally intelligent than men and also possess good interpersonal skills which are necessary for building strategies and erecting support.

Self-improvement attitude : Women are extremely passionate by their nature and enthusiastic about their choices. They improve themselves by figuring out their blunders.

Motivation : Women entrepreneurs have a great passion for the work and a commitment to society. If they have the drive to pursue entrepreneurship, it means they are not afraid of taking any risks and will also make monetary gains. They possess the inner strength to continue and searches all possible means to share their business ideas with others.

It is proven that woman who runs her own business is happier than a woman who works for others. Advanced technology has given a chance to start and manage their business from home and to pursue their dream of becoming an entrepreneur. This will help them to make money for themselves while relaxing at home.

They can work wherever and whenever they want. Because of this, they can maintain a balance between their personal and professional life. A woman, having flexible working hours and a choice of job will show miracles in the market. Starting business at home is a great opportunity for any women to start their journey in a corporate world. Start your business with registering today at YoureStatus.com for free and start exploring your business.

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