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SEO mistakes to avoid for Better Local Business search ranking

If you want that the local people around you can find you easily then these mistakes you should avoid ASAP.

Being a small business owner or a famous one, if you are targeting your local people don’t focus on regular search results on search engine instead focus more on local search.

Obviously, you don’t need to show your business to everyone – you are only for the local people to find you and make a purchase.
So, here is the list of mistakes you must avoid.

1. Listing of business is inconsistent
When google or any search engine crawl your business and it looks at your all business information like – business name, address, phone number, location and etc. If you these details doesn’t match exactly then google will see your business as an irrelevant and less trustworthy, which unfortunately make you down in the local business listing. So if you want a good result to make sure you have posted the correct information on the web

2. Keyword stuffing
This is the common mistake which everyone does when they are new in the market, but google is smart and he will give you the penalty for this because more keyword stuffing makes you content unuseful, so instead of stuffing focus more on the quality and the content which can help customers when they come on your website.

3.Wrong Keywords
You should always use the keywords which a normal public search, they are not technical people and they will not search the content or website like we do, so make sure you pick the keyword which local people are using a lot and consistently then only your local business will come up in the list.

4. lack of content
A website is more crawled which is updating regularly and adding more content on it. One more advantage of content is when people come at website why they will stay? The answer is content.
If there is no content then what they will look into, hence add the content and make it interesting. And adding content will also help you in local search ranking.

5. Website is not Mobile friendly
Now this is something very important in this new era of business, as a ton of searches are done through a mobile device and if your website is not mobile friendly then you are at a big risk. Go and fix it first.

6. Reviews are not there
Reviews are always a positive feedback for your website because it sends important signals to the search engines. If so many people give reviews for your business then it means you are tagged with consumers and more people will find you easily. So if you don’t have any reviews yet ask your happy consumers to give you one.

So list your business here at www.yourestatus.com and take some time while you go live, read these points carefully and if you still have any confusion then you can contact us at support@yourestatus.com

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