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Why To Use Instagram For Your Local Business Listing

Instagram is now a hub where you can find the visual identity for your local business. If you do take Instagram seriously, it can open up a world of opportunity for your brand. Instagram delivers the 58 times more engagement than facebook then why not to use it? Now you know why your local business listing should be on Instagram

Create Your Instagram Strategy

Research work

1. Check out your competitors
2. Search what best business owners are doing
3. Use of hashtags for business purpose

Your Specific Business Goals

1. Increase product sales
2. Increase traffic to your website
3. Increase brand awareness
4. Increase branded hashtag mentions

Content Strategy for Instagram post

1. Choosing how often to post
2. Choosing what time of day to post
3. Establishing a content calendar
4. Choosing your content themes

Build Your Brand Images and Videos

1. What type of images you should use
2. The background colors
3. What style will look good for images
4. Image posting

  • Technologies you want to promote
  • The blog image
  • The celebration in the company

If you are not sure what actually you have to post, no need for panic you can check the top business companies account what they are posting and how they are managing all things. You can always take the competitors help via their social accounts there is no harm in it. And don’t forget to register your business at YoureStatus.com.

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